Homo Homini Lupus

The human, to the human, is a wolf.

Thomas Hobbes examined the human condition at its origin, its base, free of any social constructs. When these are removed things like law, language, and morality cease to exist— man becomes completely lawless. In this state, the human only ever desires the fulfillment of their own self-interest. They are able to freely achieve that end through any means possible, even to the point of controlling, harming, and killing another human over a conflict of interests. Fear is the most powerful factor behind human thought and behavior: if I can kill them, they can kill me as well. This natural psychological paranoia comes from within the imagination. There is always good reason to impose your will, or kill another, even if there is no good evidence. Hobbes’ assessment of the minds of men is that, “the human, to the human, is a wolf.”

Due to this innate primal fear, people began to gather together in collectives for security offered by a structured system of governance. The rule of law, a common language, and judicial order were exchanged for service and subjugation from the human. To be a citizen means that the individual surrenders part of their identity in order to conform to the people and culture around them. In this social structure, the human now bases their own personal identity on the recognition received by others and social or cultural pressures. Civilization is designed to make esteem, self-love, a valued good. Rousseau points out that as civilization develops, it naturally creates a society marked by gross and unjust inequality, lack of genuine compassion, and superficial values. It is the purpose inherent in the system. Civilization breeds conformed citizens, people who have their mind and identity based from social status, materialism, and the ways of the world. It is the natural order for the citizen to be compliant, peacefully occupied with trivial and personal matters while the ruling authority strengthens and extends its control over the population. Those with power and authority always conspire amongst themselves to strengthen their dominion.

This is evident in the rise of the German Third Reich. Adolf Hitler established his rule through blood and false flag operations from his political party, the Nazis. He transformed Germany from a poverty-stricken nation into a military and political powerhouse that dominated Europe. Although Hitler was extremely charismatic, it was his deep understanding of the human mind that allowed him to captivate and subvert the psyche of an entire population. The Nazis quickly seized the media outlets, controlling the release of information. Government-run propaganda campaigns were timed with the releasing of new laws. Harsh fines and punishments were enforced on the ones who did not comply or spoke out. In the book, Mien Kampf, Hitler explains how he was able to deceive and control and entire nation: people will more easily believe a colossal lie than a small one, and they readily reject clear evidence of the truth when the deception is deep and subtle enough.

Hannah Arendt attended the war-crimes trial of Eichmann, the Nazi officer in charge of transportation. She explains at one point Eichmann was ordered to stop moving the Jews to the concentration camps but he refused as it was unlawful. He justified his actions by the laws of Germany and the Third Reich. It demanded the removal and extermination of Jews, so if he were to stop killing them he would then be breaking the law. Eichmann had no personal hatred for the Jews, killing them was simply his civil and lawful duty. Hitler had manipulated the law and language to such an extent that evil had lost the quality we know it by, temptation. The law justified lawlessness.

The dark art of human behavior and thought manipulation did not die with the Third Reich. After the war, the United States quickly acquired some of the most evil men by means of Operation Paperclip. Since then, the United States government has been accused of using behavioral-based population control methods to further certain political agendas. Initially the programs were limited and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency, such as MK ULTRA and Project Monarch. Today, the psychological and behavioral control methods have expanded to such a degree that they are accepted by us. Social Engineering, marketing techniques, social media, mainstream media, personal technology, and Google are all being used to manipulate and influence the human mind. The most recent example being the generation of mass fear and hysteria due to a false flag operation, COVID-19. The haunting realization is that today humans still put blind faith and trust into their government, dismissing any evidence of the contrary.

The truth is, we have been indoctrinated since birth. The world is not what we believe. We are being fed lies and eat them like a fattened calf. In the coming years, mankind will witness the rise of the beast system, the New Order of the Ages, and it shall be our undoing. Follow along as we examine the evidence for truth and unveil the depth of this great deception.

The minds of men are desperately wicked and deceitful above all things.