Human Psychology

Sheep With No Shepherd

The natural human condition is one of solitary selfishness and vain pursuits of glory. The world revolves around the individual and the individual is the master of their own fate. They are free to obtain anything their heart desires, by any means they deem necessary. Due to this innate sense of godhood, humans are cunning, aggressive, and continually seek to dominate and control others. This aggression however, comes at a cost.

If one is able to assert their will over another, be it by coercion or might, then they are able to be overcome as well. Fear becomes enthroned in the human heart and mind, justifying every aggressive act even when there is no evidence to support it.

The problem of this natural condition is that the human mind is easily deceived and manipulated. Internally, the individual rationalizes and believes that they are god and all others must bow before them. The truth is, humans act as wolves but are sheep with no shepherd.